
雅思官方口语评分标准在“单词L&R”里面7分标准的一项评分细则:“Uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation”
这里面“less common”是不常见的意思,“idiomatic vocabulary”是习语惯用语的意思,“collocation”是搭配的意思。 所以由此不难看出,雅思官方在口语中对大家的词汇使用是有一定的要求的。
那么是不是我们就该用大词?其实不是的,”非常见单词“的意思是“在生活当 中常见,但是不经常使用的词汇”,比如有一种水果叫做“菠萝蜜-jackfruit”,绝大部分的考生都吃过,但是不会用英文说,因为我们平时学习英文单词的范围覆盖不到这个领域。但是这个词绝对不是一个大词,而这种词汇,却是雅思口语高分考生必备的绝杀词汇!现在考试热题"tell me about your favourite fruit",在大家都说"banana, apple"的时候,你能用“jackfruit”和其他考生拉开层次,那一定就是高分了。
eat celery–吃土的英文意思,表示把钱都花光了,只能吃土。
I bought this pair of basketball shoes and I knew I couldn't say no to them. And I would care how much celery I have to eat. (Part 2 买的开心的东西)
drunken dare–酒壮怂人胆,但是这个是一个名词
I'd been in love with him since I was sophomore. But I didn't tell him right away. Last week it was out farewell dinner after graduation. I knew if I didn't take the change, then there would be no results. So I confessed my love to him with the drunken dare.(Part 2 困难决定)
talk your ears off–形容一个人话巨多,能把你耳朵给说掉
My roommate seemed to have endless words to say. And she could talk your ears off about those never-matter things. She'd talke to a shoe box if no one else was around.(Part 2 生气的经历)
He is a diviner of some sort I guess. He said I wouldn't pass the IELTS test, so the fact followed as he said. I registered the IELTS test for 5 times, and I passed none.(Part 2 尊重的长者)

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